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Category: vbBux / vbPlaza
eBux / eStore add-on=>>> Auto uCash integration

This is an easy hack thanx to CMX_CMGSCCC for showing me how to....

Easily go to admincp>ebux Options>Manage settings and find line: Points Field Name >>>> Change ebux to ucash.Done!!!

I thought this also needed a sql query?

It is one.Cause it loads the points from ucash tables

Why would anybody want to change from ebux to ucash? lol.

This is a hack? Or an explanation to part of a well developed hack....

Not A Hack! Lol!

lol, what is this?

Seems like a modification hint and tip to me so moving there.

Why would anybody want to change from ebux to ucash? lol.

Cause most hacks use ucash and if you don't want to integrate all the time I recommend to use this.

If a hack is decent they will have an option to use more than one points system, like vbookie, petz, etc.

but not all do like vbLeague or ibproarcade

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